Friday, December 5, 2014


After an intensive period of work, the atelier obra viva is going for a restructuring and production process until Spring 2015. Until then, the following projects are being planed:

1. New website (the current one will be transformed into a gallery space)

2. Publication of the catalogue "Performance Practices in Public Space" in the frame of the last edition of the Month of Performance Art Berlin

3. Performance "New Constructions" in collaboration with Michaela Muchina & Yvo Wagener

Participation from Nathalie Fari at the PHD-Project from the artist Grace Euna Kim/ U-Bahn Linie 1, Berlin, Nov 2014

Saturday, July 26, 2014


This summer I'm not in Brazil as usual, but here follows the activities planned for Berlin and Europe:

Location: DING DONG DOM at Holzmarkt in Berlin Kreuzberg:

The first part of a trilogy dedicated to the relationship between architecture and performance with Catalina Fernandez, Juliana Piquero, Michaela Muchina and Nathalie Fari

For more Informations go to:

Location: Tatwerk Berlin

In this five-day workshop we are going to explore and investigate the different formats of site specific or site related performance practices in the public space of Berlin. Therefore I invited the architect Janin Walter as guest teacher.

For more Informations go to:

23 - 25.09 / 13h - 19h WORKSHOP BODY MAPPING
Location: Temple de Collorgues in Uzès, France

This workshop will happen in the context of the exchange program between Brazil and Germany from the organization Ponte Cultura e.V.

Hope to see you at one of these events!

Photo: Michaela Muchina, Month of Performance Art, Berlin-Holzmarkt, May 2014

Monday, April 7, 2014

Month of Performance Art and more


On the 01th of May starts the fourth Edition of the one-month long platform Month of Performance Art Berlin where I've been collaborating since the beginning. This year we have a HUB and central meeting point located at the Holzmarkt where the famous Bar 25 celebrated history. Here follows my activities:

1- 03.05.2014/ 17h30 - public reading about the condition of being unsettled and "bodenlos" in the context of the project Transnationality and Transliguality curated by Dovrat Meron:

2- 21.05.2014/ 12h30 to 21h - workshop and round table about Performance Practices in Public Space in collaboration with Michaela Muchina and Paula Marie Hildebrandt in the context of the Program Artistic Research: Four Approaches. 

Hope to see you around! 



12.-13.07.14 - a new edition of h a l t e s t e l l e for the event STADT FÜR EINE NACHT in Potsdam.

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Monday, November 11, 2013


After an intense tour in Brazil and a reconnection with the country and also after the ending
of an one-year collaborative project work at different places and contexts, I'm in a process of reorganizing the activities of atelier obra viva. A new website is currently under construction, as well the development of a new research project with the focus on methodologies
for teaching and creating performance using the concept of body mapping as main axis.

Dia da Árvore (Performance na Praça do Alencar), São Bento do Sapucaí, Photo: Billy Gibbons, 21.09.13

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Next performative activities in Brazil

I'm really glad that I'm going to spend another time in Brazil for work and I'm pretty curious how is gonna be, specially because of the current political situation in the country. But here are the Dates from my activities:

29.07 to 06.08.13/ Workshop Dramaturgy in Performance in collaboration with Milena Kipfmüller at Centro Cultural B_arco em Sao Paulo: - a 9 day long workshop, where we will use the public space as material for the development of a collaborative performance.

24.08 to 02.10.13/ LAB Other Places, Practices and Formats in Performance in collaboration with Walmeri Ribeiro from the UFC University of Fortaleza at Centro Cultural Banco do Nordeste - a 10 day long Lab, where artists from different backgrounds will be discussing and developing performances and works with focus on research:

14.09.13/ Vernissage from the exposition Amor/Paixão, where Ana Cristina Mendes from Fortaleza and me will present the second edition of the project EM ESPERA at Pinacoteca de São Bernardo do Campo.

Monday, May 20, 2013

made in omnitopia-berlin 2013

I'm delighted to invite you for the performance project made in omnitopia, which I'm developing in collaboration with Paula Marie Hildebrandt. made in omnitopia - based on the concept of Omnitopia from the american scholar Andrew Wood - is the last production of this semester, before I go for another journey of works in Brazil during the summer.

When: 28th of may at 19h 

Where: in front of the ZKU - Zentrum für Kunst und Urbanistik  Siemensstrasse 27, Berlin-Moabit

Monday, March 4, 2013

Upcoming Performances and Workshops


"In Body Mapping, the body appropriates a space and starts telling stories in it." N.F.

15.-17.04 from 10h30 to 16h - in the context of the Retrospective from the Masterprogram "Raumstrategien" (EN: Space Strategies) at the Weißensee Kunsthochschule in Berlin-Weißensee.
Price: 100 Euro (for students from Weißensee it's free)

06.-11.05 from 10h30 to 16h - in the context of the Month of Performance Art at Glogau-Air Studios in Berlin-Kreuzberg.
Price: 240 Euro

For more informations, please send me an e-mail.



15.04. - Unrast/ Desasosiego - Opening from the Retrospective "Raumstrategien" at Weißensee Kunsthochschule Berlin.

21.-25.04 - h a l t e s t e l l e - Basis for Live Art Festival in the public space of Amsterdam (

12.05 - sítios distantes - Month of Performance Art Berlin.
For this project atelier obra viva invited six 6 brazilian artists: Rose Akras and Dirk Jan Jager, Grasiele Sousa, Lucio Agra, Maicyra Leão and Walmeri Ribeiro to develop from the distance site specific performances for the park of Zentrum für Kunst und Urbanistik in Berlin Moabit (

Sunday, January 13, 2013 _______ street

In the context of the One-Shot Residency in Kreuzberg, Nathalie will present in collaboration with the Stage Designer Michaela Muchina and the Performer Juliana Piquero the first showing of the performance ________ street. This performance deals about the implications and needs of living in a community. Do we need a community in our days and which is it's function and meaning? This questions we try to answer in a speechless and sometimes absurd way using a multifunctional object.

26.01.2013 - 20h 
Blücherstrasse 32 (U7 Südstern) 

Monday, October 22, 2012

Stadt der Vielfalt - last week

On the 28th of october ends the exposition "Stadt der Vielfalt" (City of Diversity) at Schlossplatz in Berlin, where the documentation of the performance Verstilling is shown in the frame of the project space Savvy Contemporary in Neukölln. The performance happened this year in may during the month of performance art at the Richardplatz. Fore more informations about the exposition:

Photo by

Monday, September 3, 2012


At the moment I'm producing the next exposition/performance with the brazilian artist Ana Cristina Mendes from Fortaleza. Our project called EM ESPERA (Standby) will be shown in the context of an exposition from the Network Ponte Cultura e.V. in Nürnberg at the AEG-Gelände. The Vernissage will be on the 15th of September!

One of the images taken at my stay in Fortaleza. 16/08/2012

Monday, May 7, 2012

Verstilling #4

In the frame of the project PACKET SOUP from savvy contemporary, I will present the last performance of the series Verstilling. This time without the musician Bernhard Reiss.
Date:: 12.05.2012/ Time:: 18h - 20h 
Location:: Richardplatz, Neukölln (U7/ Karl Marx Allee)
For more informations::

Hope to see you there!

Monday, March 5, 2012


At the moment I'm preparing the performance-series ...RAUMTEILEN... for the public space in Berlin-Mitte, which will happen during the month of performance art in may. It will be four different works from various artists dealing with the issue or idea of "sharing-space", i.e. to develop new forms of interaction in public space - more personal and less brief for example. In ...RAUMTEILEN.. the audience and performers will share a small space for a longer period of time, which can be a canu, table or a sort of seat-object. For more informations click here:

Washingtonplatz, Hauptbahnhof

Monday, January 23, 2012


Since today we started our crowdfunding campaign at INCUBATO for the second edition of the month of performance art in May 2012 in Berlin. As we know how hard it is to get any funding in the city, it would help us a lot, if we get some support to cover the mimum of our expenses. So, if you had a look on my website and if you like performance art, go to this link and donate:

Friday, December 16, 2011

One place after another

After I've performed at several locations this year, not just in Berlin, but also outside Berlin, I will have a short break to breathe and to reflect about what happened and what will come next. Here is a small taste of what is already sure:
-  the interactive way to go with the american peformance artist Allison Fall and RAUM TO GO with the stagedesigner Michaela Muchina for the Month of Performance Art (MPA 2012), Berlin
- Verstilling #4 with the musician Bernhard Reiss for the Project Packet Soup at Savvy Contemporary, Berlin
- Desasosiego with the photographer Daniel Schäfer at Galeria Virgilio, Sao Paulo

Wish you all a happy new year!

Photo: Kappele Ufer in Berlin-Mitte; one of our next places...

Monday, November 14, 2011


After being presented in different locations this year, the performance u m z i e h e n is returning to the place, where it started: ACUD in Berlin-Mitte. The theater is celebrating 15 years of existence and "resistance" and the performance u m z i e h e n is part of the program on the 04.12.2011 at 21h
See you there!!!

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Expanding Public Space

Since I did the performance u m z i e h e n casually at public space (Engeldamm in Kreuzberg), it's touring around at different corners and places in Berlin. Actually I'm getting more and more interest in public space..., for next year I'm planing a performance-program in Berlin-Mitte for the month of performance art in May 2012..., how we experience the public space at all?

Turmstrasse in Moabit, Photo by Maxim Paul, Sep 2011

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Touring in Switzerland

After doing a site specific performance in a sleeping bag in Dovrat and Knut's Project "Untranslatable Words" at Stromereien Festival in Zürich, I extendend this experience to a trekking tour in the  mountains..., incredible and strong nature! Now I have to get used again to the "berliner lowland"...

Photos by Maxim Paul

Monday, July 4, 2011

Landing at MICA MOCA



Save the Dates:

21.07.2011 - verstilling #3
24.07.2011 - u m z i e h e n
When?? always at 20h at MICA MOCA Projects in Berlin-Wedding:

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Upcoming Performances

After participating at the first "month of performance art" in Berlin (MPA), where I'm also now part of the team for 2012, I will dedicate my self to the next projects:

22 - 24 July; u m z i e h e n with the stage designer Michaela Muchina and verstilling #3 with the musician Bernhard Reiss at MICA MOCA Projects -

03 - 09 August; untranslatable words by Dovrat Ana Meron and Knut Honsen at Stromereien Festival in Zürich -

(one of the great spaces of MICA MOCA)